Welcome to the interactive street exhibition presenting worldwide recognised and loved composers from the Visegrad 4 countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and Poland. 

Each panel is dedicated to an iconic composer from Central Europe like Liszt, Suchoň, Dvořák, Chopin and others. Their legacy and music are with us everyday. Read their thoughts about the beauty, power and essence of the music.

Music is a key element of our identity. There are no words to express its importance. It is an integral part of us as individuals, communities and nations. Music connects us through countries and continents. It is a universal language without words. Music is about feelings, stories, dreams, culture, traditions and many more where we all find our own interpretation. Music encourages, moves, motivates, calms down, energizes. It provides endless opportunities to find joy and peace.

We wish you a pleasant and recharging journey through the music of the Visegrad 4 countries.


The exhibition is organised by the Embassy of Hungary under the 2021-2022 Hungarian Presidency of the Visegrad Group. Visegrad 4 is a regional cooperation established in 1991 by Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, covering many aspects of international relations and everyday life.

More information on the composers:

Famous Hungarian composers

Famous Slovak composers

Famous Czech composers

Famous Polish composers