The annual competition organized by the Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Association targets secondary school students in Hungary and in neighbouring countries. The aim is to engage the younger generation in preserving the memory of the Holocaust by exploring and explaining the heroic deeds of Raoul Wallenberg whose efforts saved many Jewish lives during one of the darkest times of modern history. A further aim is to make them understand that it is important to fight with “civil courage” for the universal values and principles. The competition underlines the importance of fighting against anti-semitism and racism and the fundamental significance of tolerance in our everyday lives.

The winner of the 2018 “In the Path of Raoul Wallenberg” competition was a team of students from the Obradovic High School in Bácskatopolya, Serbia with their project “EME Topolya”. As a prize, they won a trip to Stockholm. To express our congratulations and appreciation, the Embassy welcomed the team members at a reception on 12th June 2019.
